Chris Orrey
Integrative Policing Initiative Leader Chris Orrey is a retired police lieutenant with over 30 years of service with the Hayward, California Police Department. She is a graduate of California's Command College, an 18-month program designed to prepare law enforcement leaders for the challenges of the future, and the LAPD Leadership Training Program, which is based on the West Point Leadership Program. In true Integral fashion, she will soon have a Master's Degree in Comparative Religion and Philosophy and will be continuing her education at the California Institute for Human Science, pursuing a doctorate degree in Integral Noetic Sciences with an emphasis on Wisdom Design. Her in-progress Master's thesis is on the application of Wilberian Integral Theory to U.S. policing: Integral Policing: Transforming U.S. Policing via the AQAL Map.

Integrative Policing Transformation Initiative (Phase 1)
An Integrative Model of Policing Transformation is an Initiative designed to map the fuller complexity of policing in the United States and examine how a transformation toward a fuller guardian model of policing might be achieved.