Ryan Johansen
Integrative Policing Initiative Leader Ryan Johansen currently serves as the Chief of Police for the City of San Bruno, CA, a diverse community of approximately 50,000 residents located in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has been a policing professional for 20 years, and has served in a variety of positions and assignments, including Police Chief, Incident Commander, Tactical Commander, Watch Commander, Public Information Officer, and Gang Unit Supervisor, among others. Ryan served as the Investigations Commander during the San Bruno Gas Pipeline Explosion in 2008, the Incident Commander for the YouTube Active Shooter Incident in 2018, and the Tactical Commander for the Tanforan Mall Active Shooter Incident in 2019. Ryan has been actively implementing integral metatheory into the daily operations of the San Bruno Police Department for several years, including an Integral Wellness Program, an Integral Performance Assessment Process, Integral Policy Analysis, and an Integral Decision-Making Model. Ryan has a Bachelor of Applied Sciences Degree in Law Enforcement Management and is currently enrolled in the master's program with the Center for Homeland Defense and Security at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, where he is conducting research on the use of Integral Theory as an alternative to conventional methods of policy analysis . He is a certified mindfulness and meditation instructor, and also owns a small business that enables people to create and deliver meaningful messages to their loved ones for years after they pass away. Ryan serves on several boards, committees, and commissions, including: Vice President of the San Mateo County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs Association; The Wellness Committee, Finance Committee, and Law and Legislation Committee for the California Police Chiefs Association; Law Enforcement Liaison for the Bay Area chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving; a Director of the Peninsula Art Foundation; and as an active volunteer with the ALS Association. He has been happily married to his wife Donna for over 23 years and they have two amazing children, Olivia who is 20 and Zoie who is 18. Ryan enjoys spending time with his family, working out, reading, and he's an avid surfer and golfer.

Integrative Policing Transformation Initiative (Phase 1)
An Integrative Model of Policing Transformation is an Initiative designed to map the fuller complexity of policing in the United States and examine how a transformation toward a fuller guardian model of policing might be achieved.