string(8) "Planning"

The Integral Social Sector Initiative

The Integral Social Sector Initiative is designed to draw together leaders in the integral and social impact fields to explore how integral metatheory might help social impact organizations develop more comprehensive and robust theories of change in their work addressing wicked 21st-century social and environmental challenges.

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string(10) "Recruiting"

Encyclopedia of Integrative Metatheories

Taking the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy as inspiration, the Encyclopedia of Integrative Metatheories will be a free online resource that defines the relevant terms and concepts for the growing body of philosophical work underlying integrative metatheories.

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string(8) "Planning"

Integrative Policing Transformation Initiative (Phase 1)

An Integrative Model of Policing Transformation is an Initiative designed to map the fuller complexity of policing in the United States and examine how a transformation toward a fuller guardian model of policing might be achieved.

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string(8) "Planning"

The Ethics & Science of Metatheories

IAM investigates the proper role and application of metatheories, especially the ethics and empirics of their relationship to underlying theories. When do metatheories start to act like theories, and are there limits to the range of applications they can be properly used for in the Institute's work?

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